Brand New Workshop – Mojo Magic!

Have you lost your inner Sparkle?  Are you ready to do something extraordinary for yourself? Is it time to focus on what you want for a change? This magical hypnotherapy workshop could be the powerful change you need to get out of that rut! Read my 2 minute blog for  all the booking details ….. […]

Have you lost your inner Sparkle? 
Are you ready to do something extraordinary for yourself?
Is it time to focus on what you want for a change?
This magical hypnotherapy workshop could be the powerful change you need to get out of that rut!
Read my 2 minute blog for  all the booking details …..

This magical hypnotherapy workshop is for you if

  • You lack motivation to get started on a project or a life improvement.
  • You’re ready to make a change in your life for the better
  • You feel you have ‘mental blocks’ that get in the way of taking a next step to a life goal.
  • Your confidence has been knocked and you’d like to get it back.
  • You want to learn how to harness your own power and use it to create amazing changes
  • You have life goals that you still want to explore but need a plan to get there!

What you need to know:

This is a small  Evening workshop LIVE and interactive with Julie Phillips start time 7 pm to 8.45 pm plus time for questions

The dates are all Tuesday evenings in May as follows 9th, 16th 23rd and 30th 

The price is just £65.00 for ALL FOUR weeks!

Parking is FREE and outside of the Venue

The Venue address is Unit 2 Roseberry Court, Terry Dicken Business Park, Stokesley TS9 5QT

Ground floor – wheel chair accessible venue and toilets – teas/coffees/ light refreshments and all resources included.

To Book simply contact me by clicking on this link: Contact Julie to book your Place

You can also book by sending a WhatsApp or a Text message to 07515441496
If you would like to know about prices for working with me on a one to one basis, you can find everything at a glance here Prices At a Glance