
Toxic stress and boiling frogs – both are harmful to health.

Have we normalised abnormal stress?  I have noticed in my therapy room recently: we appear to have normalised abnormal levels of stress. I have seen this before in teaching and other stressful professions where the emphasis was on working harder and harder, giving up more and more of your home life to the demands of […]

Fear of Needles making you ill? Hypnotherapy Can Help.

I went for a well woman check last week. I knew the routine: weight taken, blood pressure taken. Stress free right?  Unexpectedly, the nurse decided  to take some blood… Whether it was the ‘stress’ around  Covid, a case of ‘white coat’ syndrome or the effect of a busy morning,  I can’t  say,  I suddenly found […]

Looking after your teenagers mental health, teen therapy, mindcalm for teens, counselling

Mind calm for teens? – Naturally!

I have been a secondary school English teacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.  As a therapist, one of my specialist areas is in working with teenagers between 13 years and 17 years who need help with stress, anxiety and exam confidence as well as other life issues.   The teenage brain goes through vast changes […]

Blogs on work stress, Julie Phillips Therapeutic Coaching

Is your job draining the colour out of you?

Did you return to work this week, are you due back soon? If so, you may be one of these people who had thoughts about their return to work as follows…

Burning out, Self care, Julie Phillips, Hypnotherapy, Stokesley, North yorkshire

Tell Tale Signs you’re heading for Burn Out!

Let’s use your imagination for a moment. Let’s imagine that you have a machine in your kitchen, a most marvellous solid gold machine which every week churns out the equivalent of your wage. I’m guessing that you’d take care of it, perhaps polish it and make sure it was well oiled and dust-free to make […]

Self Care, Stokesley, Hypnotherapy,

3 reasons why self care is a job for your inner professional

There it is ….the ‘to do’ list possibly a constant feature on your desk or fridge; some people make fresh lists daily or weekly. Seems to be the required thing ‘to do’, to constantly remind yourself of all those tasks that want a piece of your time. Just stop for a moment…when was the last […]